The real challenge is that some companies take social media marketing as an activity of posting something daily. But posting anything is an activity as if we are digging a mud pit every day and neither there is use of that pit nor of that soil. It is like we are pushing on a stationary wall and the wall is not giving any hint of moving anywhere.
Just think if we are doing something in the expectation of getting some results without putting any thoughts, will it be possible for us to reach somewhere meaningful? While working in the professional world, you must have realized by your own experience that it is impossible to get results without a right strategy. The same principle applies to social media marketing.
Attract customers, capture their attention, and turn them into loyalists
First in place, the word ‘social media marketing’ in itself is wrong. The term ‘marketing’ refers to selling something, but social media is a space where no one comes to buy anything, instead all come to build relationships and to satisfy knowledge taste buds. Social Media is about the people! Not about your business. If you take your own example, how many times have you logged in to a social media account just because you want to buy something? We all go to social media accounts for our friends, news or some articles which focus on enhancing our knowledgebase.
In the world of plethora of the information, sometimes few articles or images or videos attract our attention which we find useful for us. If any article or post from a commercial company has attracted your attention, then that implies that the medium of social media for that company was successful in terms of engaging a user. People will start to trust your business. One thing you should get out of your social media activities is to humanize your brand.
As a company the first step should be to establish a positive relationship with the audience. Engage rather than sell. Once you are successful in establishing a positive chord with the audience, you are successful in creating a successful brand image of your company. And a good image is a sign of good business. Work as a co-creator, not a marketer.
Advertising and trust
Most businesses make the mistake of using social media as a marketing tool and they try to work out the same strategy that they have used to advertise in traditional media such as newspapers, print, electronic media. Social media is not an advertising medium. You should make clear in your mind that social media is a great medium to socialize and build relationships.
Advertising on social media is just like as if somebody introduces you to 10 new persons during a wedding function and you take out your business brochure to explain your product features. You started selling at the very first meeting. Just imagine that you are meeting someone for the first time and if you start selling your products directly to them, what would be your first impression on that person? Focus on how to be social, not on how to do social.
Will it be possible for them to build a positive relationship with you? People do business with those they trust. Relationship is very important in business and the person who has been proven to make a relationship will double his business day and night.
It takes time for a relationship to become strong, so do not rush on business transactions on social media, but once the relationships is formed it will be for a lifetime. Therefore, if you want to do business through social media, then you have to come with a little patience and with a long term thinking.
Social media strategy
Social media is not a media. The key is to listen, engage, and build relationships. If you are facing the challenge of developing a killer social media strategy that helps you to develop content which your audience should like; there are two options.
One, you can build an in-house team for social media content creation. The major responsibility of the team should be developing quality content in article, images, video format.
Two, if you think managing in-house multi technology experts is expensive and is a challenge then you can go for hiring an external social media agency too.
The agency will work to make your job easier and will support your unique business challenges. It will generate and deliver good content for you with a pre decided schedule and strategy and you can use that content to share on various social media accounts. This content can be in the format of article images, videos.
Reach to your audience using different creative mediums for content delivery and believe that once you are able to establish a positive image in the mind of your audience about your service or product’s capabilities, then this will lead to a strong relationship with your social media audience. One day directly or indirectly that will definitely translate into a business transaction.
The Real challenge & Solution
The biggest challenge in social media management is to develop quality content and most business houses find themselves in a difficult situation here. Agency can solve this problem. You can check out the ability of the agency by going through their past work and if they meet your standards then there is nothing comes better than this.
Take advantage of an external agency and focus on your core business yourself. However, stay away from the agencies that do not have the ability to deliver quality creative content. Note that creative content does not mean the quality of graphic, but the quality of words and ideas. Customers are very intelligent in today’s era.
Your Customer is not influenced by gimmick, videography or technology. You can impress the customer with your ideas and the agency maintaining high quality of ideas can be a good option for you.